The children’s bread
Can the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan coexist in a person?
Because of our carnal mind and flesh and our innate Free Will choices.
Being bound and tormented by demons manifested by physical and spiritual sickness has to be the very worst thing a person can live with. The torture to the human soul is unspeakable.
Denying the existence of Satan or the Devil, and the steadfast adherence to the man-made doctrine that Christians can not have demonic possession or oppression is the primary cause of poor spiritual, physical and mental health.
The following scripture identifies Father God’s gift of healing through deliverance.
Scriptural Basis for Deliverance
Lord Jesus commanded it
Mark 6:7; Mark 16:15-18; Matt. 10:1-8
Lord Jesus practiced it
Mark 2:2-20 with Matthew 8:28-34
Matthew 9:32-33
Matthew 12:22 with Luke 11:14
Matthew 15:22-29 with Mark 7:25-30
Matthew 17:14-18 with Mark 9:17-27 and Luke 9: 37-42
Mark 1:23-26 with Luke 4:33-35
Mark 16:9 with Luke 8:2-3
Matthew 8:30-32
Matthew 4:24
Matthew 8:16
Mark 3:22
Luke 4:41
From these many scriptures [and the many more unrecorded instances John 21:25],
it is obvious that Jesus spent a good deal of time ministering deliverance to the possessed. Lk. 4:18 and Acts 10:38
What He did, He expects us to do also! John 14:12
- The disciples practiced it. Mark 9:38; Luke 10:17
- Peter practiced it Acts 5:16
- Paul practiced it Acts 16:16-18; Acts 19:12
- Philip practiced it Acts 8:7
With these multitudes of precepts, practices, and patterns concerning deliverance in the scriptures anyone who needs deliverance or gets involved in deliverance ministry today has solid scriptural backing.
Demons … up close and personal
When a demon manifests it works with a family cohort to manipulate the host (us, the individual) physically and mentally. Although in manifesting in the human form it can take on epic proportions, when demons are cast out of a person, they look like little balls of light. We have images of them on video, streaming out of clients when we have been ministering to them.
We breathe them in.
The simplest way to describe how they act upon our bodies and mind is to think of them as ‘germs’ that invade our systems and then live in them, sometimes completely dormant, until they are given the command to do their demonic job.
The following information describes their
Can a Christian have a Demon?
Christians (any Christian) can have more than one demon.
The early church knew it, and after preaching the gospel and having people converted, they would pray for their healing and they would cast demons out of them.
Today, many Christians are taught that they can not have demons, but that is NOT what the Bible says!
Matthew 10:7-8 And as you go, preach, saying, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give.
We are spirit, soul, and body
1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
When we are
But, our soul and body stay the same
We can continue the process, in our soul and healing in our body, which includes the process of Deliverance. Consider again the above scripture from Matthew.
The preaching of the Word comes first, and it brings the born-again experience. But Jesus did not stop there. He said, besides that, to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils. If the born-again experience would have taken care of the diseases and the demons, he would not have said what he said.
Matthew 15:21-28 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David, my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But He answered not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she cries after us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, it is not meet to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master’s table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O, woman, great is thy faith: be unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. ( See also Mark 7:24-30)
Point 1 — Here is a woman that clearly was not from the children of Israel. This is why the disciples did not want to minister to her and wanted her to leave.
Point 2 — Her daughter had a demon, and the woman was pleading for deliverance.
Point 3 — Jesus did not even want to talk to her. When He finally talked, he said he came only for the Jewish people.
Point 4 — When the woman insisted, he said the woman wanted “the children’s bread”.
In other words, deliverance, which is what she wanted, was only for the children of God.
Point 5 — The woman’s insistence and faith in Him qualified her to be counted as a child of God, so she received her child’s deliverance – by faith from Lord Jesus.
If then, Deliverance is for the children of God, then Deliverance has been provided by God because it is needed.
Yes, Christians can and do have demons
How demons come in
- A family background in the occult or false religions ― Exodus 20:1-5
- Other negative prenatal influences
- Pressures in early childhood ― James 3:16
- Emotional shock or sustained emotional pressure ― 1 Peter 3:6
- Sinful acts or habits ― Luke 22:3
- Laying on of (unclean) hands
- Idle words
- Inheritance
- Demonic contact
- Cultural dance
- Tribal rituals
- Unforgiveness
- Carved objects
- Charms
- Haunted Places
- Curses
- Pagan festivals
- Music
- Movies
- Generational
Breathing them in
This is one example,
A ubiquitous experience that we can all relate to is is the sharp intake of breath that we take when as a child when we
If there is a legal right for a Spirit of Fear to enter, this is a prime opportunity for it to come into the child. This demon then opens door to other demons with which it works in symbiosis, to achieve an outcome.
Currently, the medical and scientific consensus seems to hold that between 40% and 60% of our makeup could be genetically inherited. It is a complex area of individually unique levels of hormones, neurotransmitters and gene receptors which influence or behavior.
Epigenetics is the study of biological switches that turn genes on and off. Certain circumstances in life can cause genes to be turned off or become turned on over time. In other words, they can be turned off (becoming dormant) or turned on (becoming active).
It’s demons that flick these switches on and off
p53 Gene and it's role cancer
from Water and Eliza Hall Institute news, 2018
This new finding gives us an intimate view of the
Mutant protein tackles DNA guardian to promote cancer development
p53 is known as the ‘guardian of the genome’ due to its role in protecting cells from cancer.
p53 plays a critical role in many pathways that prevent cancer, such as repairing DNA or killing cells if they have irreparable DNA damage.
Genetic defects in p53 are found in half of all human cancers, but exactly how these changes disrupt p53 function has long been a mystery.
Cells normally have two copies of the p53 gene in every cell. Early during cancer development, one copy of the gene may undergo a sudden and permanent change through mutation, while the other copy of the gene remains normal. This results in the cell making a mixture of normal and mutant versions of the p53 protein.
Researchers found that the mutant p53 protein can bind to and ‘tackle’ the normal p53 protein, blocking it from performing protective roles such as DNA repair. This makes the cell more likely to undergo further genetic changes that accelerate tumor development.
The team expected the mutant proteins would block all normal p53 activity, so was surprised to find that only certain p53-dependent pathways were affected.
“The mutant proteins are cunning: while they stop p53 from activating pathways that protect against cancer, they still allow p53 to activate pathways that promote tumor growth.”
Where someone lives, their diet, sleep, exercise, friends and family, stress levels, type of work – all of these can eventually cause chemical modifications surrounding genes that will turn those genes on or off over time. Medical research demonstrates, for example, that cancer or Alzheimer’s, are caused by various genes being switched from the normal/healthy state.
Epigenetics explains the more nuanced switching of inherited genetic attributes by means of ‘nurture’ or experience, which are modified, probably in early life, but also with life-changing later experiences to render our unique characters.
Psalm 37:23-26 —The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
Satan drives what happens in the physical world. We must educate ourselves about Satan’s methods or we may be caught off guard and destroyed. He aims to manipulate and control our external environments and surreptitiously place us or position us to manipulate the epi-genetic circumstances in which we live.
Unless we are sold out to Father God and allowing Him to direct our paths, Satan will choose where we live, where we work, who we have children with and ultimately when the most effective time to flip a genetic switch to ensure we stay or become separated for eternity from Father God.
Personality preference
Our responses to
An Introvert or Extrovert will behave predictably, with an Ambivert, depending on their underlying preference will swing between the two in predictable
Introversion and extroversion drive particular
Introverts (introverted tendencies/preferences) tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.
Extroverts, conversely, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.
Ambiverts, vacillate between the two primary personality types, in a predictable manner.
Read Brain Wiring below to understand the neurological, and chemical information
Brain wiring
Nervous systems
Introverts have a dominant parasympathetic and extroverts have a dominant sympathetic system.
parasympathetic ― relating to the part of the autonomic nervous system which balances the action of the sympathetic nerves. It consists of nerves arising from the brain and the lower end of the spinal cord and supplying the internal organs, blood vessels, and glands.
sympathetic ― relating to the part of the autonomic nervous system originating in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord that in general inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of the parasympathetic nervous system, as intending to reduce digestive secretions or speed up the heart.
Brain wiring
Introverts and Extroverts brains are wired differently. The following diagrams describe the neural pathways to the same stimulus, in both the Introverts and Extroverts brains.
Introvert Acetylcholine pathway
Extrovert Dopamine pathway
Research has shown that the difference comes from how Introverts and Extroverts process stimuli. That is, the stimulation coming into our brains, and is processed differently depending on brain wiring, this drives the personality referencing of either deliberation or action.
Introverts, stimuli run through a long, complicated pathway in areas of the brain associated with remembering, planning, and solving problems.
Extroverts, the pathway is much shorter. It runs through an area where taste, touch, and visual and auditory sensory processing takes place.
Introverts thrive on Acetylcholine neurotransmitters. Everyone needs and produces Acetylcholine in varying degrees, as a transmitter at all neuromuscular (nerve-to-skeletal muscle) connections. It stimulates muscle contractions
Extroverts thrive on Dopamine neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters activity stimulates the primary neural circuit for incentive reward and motivated
Instances where deliverance can help
- Individuals conceived in adultery or fornication.
- Individuals whose parents contemplated an abortion.
- Individuals given up for adoption.
- Individuals abandoned by one or more parents.
- Individuals who were orphans.
- Individuals who have been abused as children.
- Individuals raped or molested.
- Individuals whose mothers had a difficult pregnancy.
- Individuals whose mothers had a long and hard labor.
- Individuals who almost died during the first few years of life.
- Individuals who had imaginary playmates during childhood because of loneliness. (This is often familiar spirit.)
- Individuals who have been chronically ill all their lives.
- Individuals who have suffered from handicaps from childhood.
- Individuals exposed to pornography early in life.
- Individuals who saw something traumatic such as murder or a fatal accident.
- Individuals who grew up in a war zone.
- Individuals who have been ridiculed all their lives.
- Individuals who ran away from home early in life.
- Individuals who have been depressed (chronically).
- Individuals diagnosed as manic depressant or schizophrenic.
- Individuals who have had learning disabilities.
- Individuals who have been incarcerated.
- Individuals whose parent(s) were alcoholics.
- Individuals whose parents went through a divorce or separation.
- Individuals whose parents argued and fought in the home.
- Individuals who are angry or bitter with their parents, brothers, or sisters.
- Individuals exposed to drugs at an early age.
- Individuals who are homosexual or lesbian or were introduced to these lifestyles during some point in their lives.
- Individuals with a history of sexual perversion in their bloodline (adultery, rape, incest, etc.)
- Individuals who have been accident-prone all their lives.
- Individuals with a history of poverty in their lives or families.
- Individuals who engaged in lifestyles of cheating, robbing, theft.
- Individual who are chronic gamblers or spendthrifts.
- Individuals who are addicted to alcohol, drugs, nicotine, or food.
- Individuals who are afraid of being alone.
- Individuals who are afraid of leaving the house.
- Individuals who are extremely uncomfortable around people.
- Individuals who are intensely jealous of others.
- Individuals who hate certain groups of people (i.e., Jews, Blacks, Whites, etc.).
- Individuals who were ever involved with the occult.
- Individuals with a history of freemasonry in their families.
- Individuals who have attended a séance.
- Individuals who are attracted to, or have gone to readers, advisors, and psychics.
- Individuals who were involved in marital arts.
- Individuals who involved in yoga or transcendental meditation.
- Individuals who were involved in a false religion.
- Individuals who were involved in an abortion.
- Individuals who have gone through a divorce, separation, or a bad relationship.
- Individuals who were ever controlled by their parents, or any other person or group of people.
- Individuals who have chronic headaches or mental confusion.
- Individuals who have a difficult time reading the Bible or praying.
- Individuals who have a difficult time attending church.
- Individuals who have a difficult time worshipping or praising God.
- Individuals who hate being touched by people.
- Individuals who are afraid of trusting people or getting close to people.
- Individuals who are chronic liars.
- Individuals who are chronic daydreamers.
- Individuals who are tormented by nightmares and bad dreams.
- Individuals who have a problem with masturbation.
- Individuals who dress provocatively or seductively.
- Individuals who have been tattooed or have multiple piercing in the flesh.
- Individuals who gossip, slander, and murmur constantly.
- Individuals who have attempted suicide or thought of killing themselves.
- Individuals who desire constant attention.
- Individuals who constantly backslide and leave the church.
- Individuals who go from church to church.
- Individuals who have a problem letting go of or forgetting the past.
- Individuals who are paranoid and think people are out to get them.
- Individuals who were members of a legalistic church.
- Individuals who had a controlling pastor or came from a controlling church or denomination.
- Individuals who are still grieving over the death of a loved one although it has been years since the passing.
- Individuals who constantly hear voices.
- Individuals who have a difficult time keeping a job, finding job, or paying their bills.
- Individuals who are always taken advantage of, abused of, or misused by other people.
- Individuals who have had miscarriages or are barren.
- Individuals who are asthmatic, have sinus problems, or epilepsy.
- Individuals who have psychic ability, can read people minds, or know things before they happen.
- Individuals who were dedicated to the devil at an early age.
- Individuals who have been rebellious or disobedient all their lives.
- Individuals who blame other people for all their problems.
- Individuals who can’t rest, sleep at night, or have insomnia.
- Individuals who are perfectionists and become angry when things are not perfect.
- Individuals who are lazy, slothful, sloppy, and unorganized.
- Individuals who hate bathing and keeping themselves clean.
- Individuals who are addicted to exercise and dieting.
- Individuals who are not or over-concerned about their appearance.
- Individuals who feel they are ugly and unattractive.
- Individuals who are workaholics and work themselves to exhaustion.
- Individuals who are over-religious.
- Individuals who have a hard time believing God loves them.
- Individuals who keep standing up to go out during services.
- Individuals who are preoccupied with death and dying.
- Individuals who are vagabonds or wanderers.
- Individuals who have a hard time submitting to authority
- Individuals who are unapproachable and hostile towards people.
- Individuals who are attracted to guns and weapons or keep them in their possession for ulterior purposes.
- Individuals who are afraid of demons, deliverance and the subject of deliverance.
- Individuals who fall asleep in services and cannot pay attention
- Individuals who have preoccupation with religious symbols, clothing, icons, statues, etc.
- Individuals who have a preoccupation with horror movies and the macabre.
- Individuals who have an inordinate affection for animals and pets.
- Individuals who desire to drink blood or sacrifice animals.
- Individuals who have ever murdered someone or have desire to kill Someone.
- Individuals who have ever made pledges or oaths to false gods, Satan, occult organizations, gangs, etc.
- Individuals who have blasphemous thoughts constantly entering their minds (cursing God, etc.).
- Individuals who are afraid of the police or authority figures.
- Individuals who are loners and don’t have any friends.
- Individuals who have desire to expose their bodies.
- Individuals who hate children or babies.
- Victims of successful or unsuccessful kidnapping attempt.
- Convicted prisoners
- Most Individuals in mental institutions