Family, Children and Infants
We should teach them from the earliest of ages to love and respect our awesome and powerful Father God, and tell them about the compassion and charity of Jesus Christ. We can intervene before birth in their deliverance and it is never too early to teach our children the basics of deliverance and freedom from Satan.
The following information is ‘no holds barred’. So, if you want a family life that is compliant with Father God’s will — then read on and let the enormity of the responsibility sink in.
We hope the following information blesses you and your family, and we pray in Lord Jesus Christ’s name that you are blessed and prosperous In the things of Father God.
If you would like the further ministry do not hesitate to contact us→
Praying that our Children are “forever righteous in the sight of the Lord” is a magnificent prayer, for two simple reasons:
1. It is not soulish and therefore not witchcraft
2. The Lord Father God wants nothing more than for us to be made in the image of Him, and because of the federal headship imbued in the hierarchy of a Godly family, He is given the legal right to have the maximum impact in our child’s life that we could possibly ask for.
Use your relationship with Father God as your first point of call for help and advice. Be intentional in your engagement with your children. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit speak prophetically into your children’s lives. Your words are creative – let them reflect the love of the Lord Jesus.
Names are important
Be wise and prayerful about the Christian name that you choose to give to your child. Use it with care. Their “Christian name” (as opposed to their Family name) is the name that the child is given for Father God to use.
“Nicknames”, as the term implies, are the names Old-Nick or the Devil uses.
Cursing and blessing, life and death is in the tongue; use it wisely and with love.
In the Word, Father God is disparaging about goats as opposed to sheep … and that should be reason enough to stop us using the term “kids” when referring to our precious children.
The Bible has it all
Dinosaurs, Giants, a King turned into an ass, a speaking donkey, beautiful maidens that become Princesses and save their people, Heroes, Heroines, Warriors and Mighty Men of Renown, the magic of men and the Miracles of Father God. But most of all it has the promise of Eternal Life.
Fairytales are Grimm
Even the most innocuous of traditional media can have dire consequences and open spiritual doorways. Take, for example, the six-year-old who as a consequence of yearning to “go with Peter Pan” ended up developing occult prowess in astral traveling.
Fairies are demons. The ball of light that ‘Tink’ became in Peter Pan is what you see when demons are being cast out.
We have them recorded on video, and they can be seen in daylight by the naked eye.
Many of Grimms Fairy Tales are taken from the Apocryphal writings and describe things such as customs used in Sodom and Gomorrah, and they enable the entry of demons of fear and other nocturnal demons to gain entry.
Witchcraft is at the root
We have to get it into our heads that we have been hoodwinked.
We are for the most part, totally blindsided by the entertainment industry. When we start to really take notice, cognitive dissonance begins (neurons firing off in the frontal lobe of our brain, rapidly and repeatedly, sometimes in a manner very physically painful). It will not stop until we can reconcile the new information against our old beliefs, and either jettison the information or develop a new understanding.
It is ubiquitous, and hard to disengage from in the course of a normal day. But we have to take notice when the Holy Spirit pricks our heart about it. Pray it off and stand against it.
Be vigilant and be wise!
Contemporary media and literature ... Harmless fun?
Halloween, Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons, and even Bewitched, Twilight or True Blood and American Horror Stories, may all seem like harmless fun, but they are not.
Let’s look at what is behind Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter as an example.
Draco — ‘Pinnacle of the Draco’, ‘Penis of the Dragon’ or ‘The Pindar’ is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families, and is always male.
The Illuminati sit on top of the Freemasonic hierarchy (Scottish Rite amongst others). Dr. Albert MacKey, the 33rd degree Freemason and foremost Freemason historian of the 19th century, defined the term ‘hoodwinked’ in his Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry as “A symbol of secrecy, silence and darkness, in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane.”
Symbolically, ‘Pinnacle of the Draco’ represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The Malfoy family, generationally, was head of the Slytherin House (symbolised by a snake).
Mal — in the English Language, when joined to another word, means bad, (interestingly as a name it is derived from Malachi the High Priest after the order of which Jesus is ordained).
Foy — is a Scottish word which means a ‘final feast from the harvest’.
Our spoken words are creative. So to aggregate the name and understand what is actually being invoked each time the name is mentioned is…
“Using a symbol of secrecy, we speak: power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear through a bad final feast from the harvest.”
Why would a young single mother want to want to write these Satanic words for young children to invoke?
So how did this just ‘come’ to JKR?
By her own words, these books just ‘came’ to her. We can assume, by their nature, that it was not the God of the Bible that provided her with inspiration. She either knowingly or unknowingly accepted the ‘inspiration’ from Satan. In the final chapter, it is revealed that the fatherly character, Dumbledore, is homosexual —homosexuality is a Judgement from the Lord, allowing a Perverse Spirit to come upon a community, for rejection of His way.
The first books came to her while she was broke, and looking for an escape from her poverty. Regardless of whether knowingly or unknowingly, she chose to commit to the demonic inspiration of Harry Potter. The exchange of money finalised a contract with the devil — she has literally sold her soul to Satan. The deal has been signed, sealed and delivered.
Her way out is to renounce the bondage and to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that she does.
Witchcraft is at the root
As stated before, it is ubiquitous and hard to disengage from just in the course of a normal day. But we have to take notice when the Holy Spirit pricks our heart about it. Pray the witchcraft off and stand against it.
Mary Kills People
At the time of writing this in autumn 2019 SBS, an Australian free to air TV channel started broadcasting “Mary Kills People”. The show’s central story is how Mary – mother of 2 and a Doctor, is contracted by people to euthanise them. This was during the time in Australian politics when euthanasia or “assisted dying” was bought in to law in various Australian states.
As bad as this is, the shock is even greater, when after the chaotic opening sequences (where she and her accomplice ‘botch’ a murder/euthanise and have to re-do the job), Mary walks through her own home, as if coming home from her day job saving lives, to find her daughters conjuring spirits and asking them to posses them with a candle magic, in the ensuit bathroom.
The SBS is free to air, and easily available to view on line.
Where the rubber hits the road
Matthew 18:6 ― But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Mark 9:42 ― And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Luke 17:1-2 ― Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Bringing your children up in the fear and admonition of Father God is showing them how to guard their hearts against unwanted spiritual attack and giving them an understanding of personal deliverance that will provide them with an unrestricted relationship with Him. Demons that attack children are not ‘child-sized’ demons like “Casper the friendly ghost”. They have all of the demonic attributes and fruits of those that infest adult hosts. For instance, an incubus demon that jealously manifests in an adult woman will have no less of an impact on a prepubescent child and can be a cause of sexual precociousness that damages the child and stymies her future.
Precociousness is not just sexual in nature. Demonic fruit can manifest in a myriad of ways, and are often labeled as being hallmark characteristics of ‘child prodigies’. This can including instances such as a children speaking with understanding in formed sentences at eight months of age, virtuoso musicianship, or manifestations of occult prowess –
Curses without a cause
Proverbs 26:2 ― As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.
The Lord says that unless there is causation a curse cannot harm us – it will fly over us. We have condensed the very basic information that all parents need to know to do the right thing by Father God and the children that Father God entrusts to us.
Monkey see, Monkey do ...
Children are sponges – they learn through mimicking and they innately understand more than we would like to give them credit for.
This is not just in the physical world, but they are highly susceptible to the invasion from the spiritual world also.
Not only are they susceptible, but they also bare the brunt of our sin. If we actively encourage an imaginary friend, we are giving Satan the license to invade our child with eternal consequences. If we ignore daydreaming we are enabling a passive mind, and if we speak about them being “away with the fairies” we curse our precious child and give that unpleasant demonic being an invitation to further infest them. Did you know that there are demons that inhabit children called “cheeky monkeys”? … there is another grouping led by ‘Bart’ of ‘The Simpsons’ fame.
If we reject or ignore our children, and mess up the naturally aligned attachment that Father God designed, they become an infested playground of narcissist spirit groupings. Behaviour, the cause and the effect thereof, can run through generations, as familiar Spirits infect subsequent generations.
Children are never too young to understand hypocrisy, family unrest, bickering, and fighting, which can open doors for behavioural issues which are driven by the demonic invasion of the family. Satan opts for strategies that burden families, so they are constantly chasing their tails with doctors appointments, social isolation and an extended family life that is compromised. Strife often stops spiritual growth, not only for the children concerned but for the rest of the family as well. We have many examples of children labeled with developmental and learning disorders, healed when the Parents straightened out their own spiritual walks.
Maintaining any relationship is a work in progress, but the responsibility in the case of parenting is awesome. We need to understand how we can take the upper hand and fight unequivocally for the eviction of Satan in our marriages, and our family members’
It is OUR responsibility to build-up the spiritual hedge of protection around them. It is stronger and mightier
Ask the Holy Spirit to position your heart
Before you read any further, you may wish to take a few beats to consider your heart position and the manner in which you were parented, as well as the type of parent that you are actively (not passively) endeavouring to become.
There will be concepts in the following information that will check you in your spirit. This is a good thing.
Prayer ♥ Yielding My Heart to You Lord
Father, show me my heart the way You see it.
Reveal to me all that is unholy in me, all unholy actions, behaviours, habits, thoughts, and beliefs; all that keeps me from drawing closer to You and from knowing You to the fullest of intimacy.
I desire that our intimacy with each other grow daily and rapidly, moment by moment. I want to know You more and more, Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Do not hide Yourself from me. I yearn for You and my desire is for You to possess me, Father God.
Holy Spirit, by the scalpel of Your Word and the Blood of Jesus, perform Your operation on me through my faith in Jesus. [Colossians 2]
Apply your knife of the work of the cross to my flesh and the soul-life that agrees with it, in a steady and persistent manner.
Be relentless, Holy Spirit. Cut out all pride, stubbornness, secret pride, secret sin, presumption, ambition, and all that is of self: self-will, self-promotion, self-indulgence, all desires for self-gratification or self-aggrandizement, all ministry rooted in ‘self’ and ‘self-promotion’, all unholy habits and appetites, all sins of the tongue, sins of the heart, sins of the flesh, the lust of the eye, the lust of the ‘flesh’, and the pride of life.
Get me out of the world, Lord, and get the world out of me.
Search my heart where I cannot see or realize. Show me what I do not know that I am, in the natural.
Cut out of me all that is unholy and unrighteous in Your eyes.
Make me to be able to stand before You, O Lord, and not to be appointed to the day of wrath.
I cry unto You, Lord Jesus Christ. I abide in You, I depend and rely on You for all of these things as I take possession of them by Your Grace, and by trusting and expectant faith, calling them applied to my life.
ALL in Your Name and for Your Glory, Lord Jesus Christ,
5 Roots of Rejection
The human heart and personality, or the soul, is a person’s invisible life.
There are 5 Roots of Rejection that enable rejection to take hold:
- A general attitude of rebellion towards God which includes bitterness
- Sinful nature (inherited)
- Disobedience to specific commands of God
- Hereditary spirits and curses
- Failure to meet the holy standards of God (self-centeredness and demonic oppression)
(note: each root outlined above stems from the root in the soul, and must be pulled out separately.)
Based on our personality preference, the roots (if left to grow in an unregenerate nature) will manifest 3 branches, which will accordingly manifest the fruit of rejection. (Read more about how demons manifest based on our genetic predisposition here→)
3 Branches of Rejection
These are the three branches the roots of rejection produce:
Firstly, rejected people manifest a variety of aggressive attitudes.
Secondly, they suffer from symptoms of self-rejection which may or may not be seen.
Thirdly, motivated by their fear of rejection, they make constant attempts to avoid being rejected again.
These manifestations are certainly not of the Holy
The focus on ‘I’ / ‘me’ is the original satanic ‘I-Disease’, now a spiritual virus which affects all mankind, including Christians.
Branch 1 ― Aggressive Reactions to Rejection
Refusing comfort
Rejection of others
Harshness, hardness
Aggressive attitudes
Swearing, foul language
Stubbornness, defiance
Rebellion – Self-Idolatry
Judgmental attitudes
Envy, jealousy
Aggressive Reactions to Rejection - Demons Involved
Matthew 15:18 ― But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man.
These are the visible demonic fruits that manifest, and are demons that need to be dealt with:
Evil thoughts | Theft |
Murder | False Testimony |
Adultery | Slander |
Sexual Immorality |
Branch 2 ― Self-Rejection Symptoms
Refusing comfort
Rejection of others
Harshness, hardness
Aggressive attitudes
Swearing, foul language
Stubbornness, defiance
Rebellion – Self-Idolatry
Judgmental attitudes
Envy, Jealousy
Rejection (Personal Self-Rejection ― Demons Involved)
Mark 7:20-22 ― And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
These are the visible demonic fruits that manifest, and are demons that need to be dealt with:
Evil thoughts | Malice |
Sexual immorality | Deceit |
Theft | Lewdness |
Adultery | Envy |
Murder | Slander |
Greed |
Branch 3 ― Measures to counter fear of rejection; self-rejection
Striving, achievement
Performance, competition
Withdrawal, aloneness
Self-centredness, selfishness
Ego, Haughtiness
Emotional immaturity
Fear of Rejection ― Demons in Play
Galatians 5:19-21 ― Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
These are the visible demonic fruits that manifest, and are demons that need to be dealt with.
Sexual immorality | Discord |
Impurity | Selfish Ambition |
Idolatry | Discord |
Debauchery | Selfish Ambition |
Witchcraft | Dissentions – Factions |
Jealousy | Envy – Drunkenness |
Hatred | Orgies etc |
Fits of Rage |
Ripening the Fruit of Rejection ― Four Phases
There are three distinct branch lines of rejection, each bearing distinctive fruit.
Phase One
“You may be ok, but I’m not ok!”
This affects the whole personality.
Phase Two
“I like rejection, it keeps me as the centre of your attention.”
This is typified in an extrovert personality type.
Rejection ― it will look for rejection as a means of self- justification for being that way. It relies heavily upon the friendship and emotional support of others. Single women are particularly prone to this.
Self-rejection ― Wilful retention of rejection
Phase Three
“Don’t bother me – I’m doing my own thing.”
This is typified in the introvert personality type
Rejection ― This is often described as the hermit mentality. Deep apathy submerges fears, with “I don’t care” as a hallmark response.
In extremes, it will sometimes flirt with death to provide an escape route.
This is both personal and hereditary apathy.
Phase Four
When children reject their parents or guardians it creates a pattern of fighting rejection with rejection. The effects will vary according to the degree of rejection received, and the personality type of the individual.
If you have just read the section above about rejection and rebellion and have had a ‘check’ in your heart, massive physical or emotional discomfort, or you are through the benevolence of the Holy Spirit facing your own personal behaviour with repentance, then you may want to look at more information about deliverance and self-deliverance. You can read more here→
Have you got what it takes to be a Godly Parent?
Holy Spirit revelation is the only mechanism for honest reflection. The Holy Spirit brings us to repentance. It is a reasonable aim of any parent to give their child the best start possible. What we need to understand is that this ‘best start’ involves repentance and your cutting off of the Satanic legal right and influence, all the way back to Adam!
Destruction of the Family Priesthood
God declares in Ephesians that husbands are to sacrificially love and care for their wives as if they were their own flesh, and wives are to be submissive (i.e. submit to and respect their husbands).
Ephesians 5:25-27 ― Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:22-33 ― Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body, that it should be holy and without blemish.
Ahab and Jezebel
The curse of the Destruction of the Family Priesthood, which is centred in the father, is usually the result of inherited family curses. These pave the way for the spirits of rejection and rebellion in the child. Both Ahab and Jezebel demons are inherited. They seek out their spiritual partners so that they can live in symbiosis.
However, there has to be an Ahab in place for a Jezebel to manifest. The Ahab Spirit can exist in a female human in the same way that a Jezebel Spirit can live in a male host.
Isaiah 3:12 ― As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
In many family situations, you see the subsequent generational infestation, with children manifesting these demons and creating further chaos in the family life.
In 1 Kings chapters 16 through 22, we find the story of King Ahab, and his wife, Jezebel.
Ahab needed a peace treaty with Jezebel’s father Jehoshaphat, (King of Judah) and their marriage was for political convenience as part of the treaty.
Ahab was a savvy, vicious and a cruel political and military leader, who always got his own way. When he commanded there was instant obedience or acquiescence; hence the petulance and sulking he manifested associated with not being able to acquire Naboth’s vineyard. Jezebel killed Naboth to enable Ahab’s acquisition of the land. Through the prophets Elijah and Micah, God held a plumb line against the house of Ahab, and it failed. The house was not upright.
The weaknesses and character traits associated with the man who allows the spirit of Ahab to rule in his family are well documented. A Jezebel spirit cannot get a foothold in a family unless an Ahab spirit already exists and the husband or father, the family leadership, opens the door. The Ahab spirit brings spiritual laziness and sluggishness; Ahab disdained the Prophets, and Elijah was mortally afraid of Jezebel.
This is a deep insight into the traits of Ahab leadership. We pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus that the Holy Spirit convicts you of any traits that require deliverance, and that you would be brought to repentance.
Weakness 1 — Insecure leaders find populism pacifying
Ahab walked in the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat. (1 Kings 16:31)
Both Ahab and Jeroboam looked to the people. They were both populist leaders.
Ahab was willing to let the people decide.
1 Kings 18:19,20
1 Kings 12:20; 13:33; 20:32, 34 20:4; 18:19,39
Ahab was an outsider. He came from a lower level position, and his mother was a widow. (1 Kings 11:26)
God exalted him (1 Kings 14:7), which lead to insecurity.
1 Kings 11:28; 1 Kings 15:27; 16:9, 16:16
Ahab took a position that was not his by right.
2 Chron 13:5,6. 1 Kings 16:9
He plotted, conspired and took a position given to the house of David.
Questions: Are you unsure of your position in Christ Jesus as the head of your Family? Do you understand the spiritual implications of this role? Are you over-reaching with your ‘presumed’ authority’? Are you a populist leader; do you take consensus as the
Weakness 2 — Many men copy the ideas of other men, rather than of Father God
Ahab thought to himself; he devised schemes in his heart
1 Kings 12:28,29, 22:8, 12:33
He had court prophets to say what he wanted to hear
1 Kings 22:10-13,22,23
Ahab took advantage of peoples’ weaknesses to get his own way.
2 Chron 13:6,7
1 Kings 16:9, 15:27
Questions: Are you focused on “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, or on the things of Father God? Do you look for people to support your own views rather than Father Gods view? Are you a weak leader?
Weakness 3 — Compromise
Ahab was enticed into compromise when he should have stood firm.
1 Kings 12:28,29; 16:31,33: 20:32,34; 11:40 2 Kings 17:21; 8:18; 2 Chron 21:13
Question 3: Are you ‘wishy-washy’ in the way that
Weakness 4 — Tolerance
Ahab tolerated evil.
Rev 2:20, 1 Kings 16:31, 20:4; 20:33.
Question: Do you tolerate evil for the sake of peace?
Weakness 5 — Fornication and Adultery
Ahab was a seeker of the flesh
1 Kings 16:9; 18:41; 21:1,2; 22:34; 21:16.
Question 5: Are you living a double life, or even an outwardly promiscuous one?
Weakness 5 — Envy and Jealousy
He was troubled by covetousness and jealousy
1 Kings 21:2; 11:26,27
Ahab dealt severely with his predecessors’ heirs
2 Kings 15:29, 16:1.
Question: Are you envious, or threatened by other righteous family relationships or friendships that your family members may have?
Weakness 6 — Money used coercively
He used
1 Kings 13:7; 20:3,4; 21:2
Question: Do you use money as leverage with your family?
Weakness 7 — Black cloud
Ahab was sullen and angry
1 Kings 20:43; 21:2.
Question: Does a toxic mood hang over you?
Weakness 8 — Controlling with guilty or vulnerability
Ahab used threats and intimidation to control people.
1 Kings 18:10,11
Ahab and Jeroboam took advantage of factions within their kingdoms to consolidate their positions
1 Kings 12:19; 16:21; 18:21.
Question: Do you control with threats? Do you control with manipulation?
Weakness 8 — Inconsistent and unpredictable
Ahab was unpredictable in his ways, which was risky
1 Kings 20:25-29
Ahab used pretence and deception to achieve what he wanted
1 Kings 14: 2,6; 22:30
Ahab desired control
1 Kings 13:4
Ahab won a power struggle and prevailed. Power struggles
1 Kings 16:22, 18:20
Ahab used other people for his purpose
1 Kings 21:3-11; 22 1-4: 18:5, 22:26
He used a woman to do his dirty work
1 Kings 14:2; 21:5-16; 19:1
He was willing to use prophets only when it suited him
1 Kings 13:6, 14:2, 20:3
Ahab attacked the prophets when challenged, and tried to destroy them
1 Kings 13:4; 18:9, 14, 22:26,27
He made false accusations against the prophets
1 Kings 18:17, 21:20
He rejected prophetic challenge
1 Kings 17:1, 13:4
Question: Do you control people by being unpredictable? Do you wear a mask to cover up insecurity? Do you get your wife, the children’s mother, to do the unpopular things: do you leave the disciplining to her, so you can be a ‘santa –clause dad’?
Do you disdain the prophets of God?
Weakness 9 — Not upholding the first and second commandments
Ahab ended in rebellion
1 Kings 11:26; 12:19; 16:20; 21:25;
He set up idols
1 Kings 12:31; 21:26.
Question: Has “polishing the Kingswood” or the children’s sports program become the priority instead of Father God?
A father who withdraws from his role and position of authority eventuates in a lack of love or interest in his wife and children.
Frustrated by his lack of leadership and her inability to respect him as a man, the woman (who herself may have inherited curses of dominance) begins to take over and direct the home by the Jezebel spirit.
This involves the usurpation of authority, dominance and rebellion.
All of this is the ‘essence of witchcraft’.
The consequences of the Ahab and Jezebel inhabitation include isolation, vulnerability and spiritual poverty.
God was not with Ahab he was in a spiritual drought
1 King 17:1.
Ahab was open to the Jezebel spirit (1 Kings 16), blown about like a reed, swayed like a reed in the water (1 Kings 14:15), and likened to a sheep without a shepherd (1 Kings 22:17).
Illness, Depression, Suicide
1 Kings 14:1; 13:6; 21:4
Rev 2:22 1 Kings 16:18; 21:4.
Decline and Failure in the things of Father God and Life
(God began to reduce the size of Israel In those days)
2 Kings 10:32.
He died of wounds – Ahab was defeated
1 Kings 22:35-37; 2 Kings 9:24; 8:28,29.
He was routed (2 Chron 13:12,15)
God executed judgment on the house of Ahab 2 Chron 22:8.
Ahab died in humiliation, his blood licked by dogs
1 Kings 14:10,11; 16:4; 21:24; 22:38; 2 Kings 9:10,36.
Jezebel controls the family through emotional blackmail and conditional love.
The children are caught up in the conflict of the parents and
The spirits in the mother will coerce the male child, forbidding him to assert his masculinity or to engage in activities which would develop him as a man. If he wants her approval and love he must submit to her domination and control, losing his self-respect.
If he disobeys and rebels, he loses her love and is tormented by guilt, and becomes subject to the tormenting of the following Spirits:
1. Curse and spirits of rebellion against discipline on the child’s part
2. Curse and spirits of lying to escape punishment
3. Curse and spirits of guilt
4. Curse and spirits of distrust (resulting from guilt)
5. Curse and spirits involving lack of communication between parent and child;
6. Curse and spirit of Rejection
Federal Headship
There is a concept of “Federal Headship” in both the Old and New Testaments. Fathers are imbued by Father God with the transfer of His divine covering of protection and blessing for their families. When a father sins, there is a hole that is punched in that covering; the covering then leaks like a leaky umbrella, and because the fathers have failed to be faithful, obedient and to maintain their spiritual covenant with Father God, the wives are affected, as are their descendants.
There are two kinds of effects of fathers’ sins in the lives of children:
- Rebellion against God
- Calamities of judgment that God brings on the children
The visitation of the fathers’ sins on the children is not simplistically a punishment of innocent children for what the fathers did. The children themselves are always seen as sinful and rebellious whilst the father’s sin is worked out in their lives. We are not told how this rebellious condition is passed to or “visited upon” the children. God has the right to punish fathers by the calamities that come upon their children.
Jeremiah 16:10-11 — For what reason has the LORD declared all this great calamity against us?.. It is because your forefathers have forsaken Me”,
But He chooses to do this in a way that justly correlates with the children’s own guilt.
See the Song of Moses:
Deuteronomy 32:1-5 — Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.
Read more about the Sins of the Fathers here→
Sacred Marriage
This is an excellent clip of Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias describing the context of Father God’s love and how it relates to the Family.
Spiritual Solutions
Little children, teenagers, and even young adults are susceptible to spiritual attack without knowing it, particularly through television, films, rock music, unholy friendships, associations, or alliances, or through the reading of spiritually unhealthy literature (amongst many other things). The scriptures show us that the eyes, the ears, or the
Quick Tactical Prophetic Prayer ♥ For Righteousness
Father God in Lord Jesus Christ’s mighty name I pray that [name] is made forever Righteous in your sight!
Quick Tactical Prayer ♥ Protection
Lord Jesus Christ, in Your Name, I cover with Your precious blood of protection, this day and every day to come, the eye gates, ear gates, touch gates and any other open gates to the demonic in [name ], to protect them this day and every day to come from all spiritual attack.
I speak the precious blood of Christ Jesus between them and all spiritual attackers, that all that they see, hear, touch or receive in any other way, manner, or form is screened by the precious blood of Christ Jesus and bound off in Christ Jesus’ Name, binding Satan first.
Adopted children often present a unique problem to their new parents in that their ancestral history is not always known. Generations curses can often affect them, particularly as they get older. They may have received curses if they or their family history have been defiled due to serious past sins such as sexual sins, witchcraft, Satanism, or other unholy practices. They may also carry spiritual oppression as a result of having previously been victims of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. In these instances, it is generally a good spiritual practice to pray over the child with the laying on of hands for
Prayer ♥ Adopted children
Lord Jesus Christ, we come before you with [name] and seek wholeness and restoration, for Your glory.
We confess before you now, all the sins of this child’s ancestors and predecessors, on all sides of all of his mother’s/father’s family back to their family’s origins, and repent of all of their sins, whatever they were, known or unknown.
We renounce them and ask for forgiveness for all whom they may have hurt.
We ask Your forgiveness for those sins, Lord Jesus Christ, and ask you to cleanse [name] from all effects of [name]’s family’s sin histories and to cleanse him/her of all defilement.
Lord Jesus Christ, having confessed and repented of all sins of [name]’s ancestors and predecessors on all sides of [name]’s family back to [name]’s family’s origins, I break all ties, bonds, cords, and soul ties with all of their sins and the consequences of their sins, and break all inherited generations curses; the curse(s) of [anything known, eg addiction]
We ask you to go, Lord Jesus Christ, to all those points of hurt or abuse in this child’s past; touch all points of spiritual, emotional, or physical trauma, and heal [name] at those points of contact and free [name].
We lay hands on [name] and by the impartation of Your Holy Spirit, we speak healing of the body, mind, and spirit; and a renewed mind, applying Your Blood, all in Your Name, Lord Jesus Christ,
Protection for neo-natal Infants and Babies
Infants and young children are particularly susceptible to what is called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In these instances, an otherwise healthy child is put to bed and, at some point thereafter, is found dead.
Whereas there may be a medical cause for such to happen, we believe that the spiritual cause is a spiritual attack by a death spirit.
In the case where multiple premature deaths are noted in the family line, multiple miscarriages, or multiple deaths in youth or childhood, the presence of a generation’s death curse should be suspected and sins of the ancestors confessed. The sins should be repented of, and the curse broken in Christ Jesus’ Name. This is the circumstance where, obviously, one cannot do
Therefore, any family which has had a history of multiple early or premature deaths, or multiple infant deaths, should presume that a generation’s death curse is present in the family line and should proceed immediately to the confession and breaking of that generation’s curse. When a baby is born, we believe that something like the following should be prayed.
Daily Prayer ♥ Against early or sudden death
Pray something like this →
Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, I pray the Precious Blood of the Lord Christ Jesus over [baby’s name] this day and every day to come, and I bind Satan, the spirit of death and all spirits not of the Holy Spirit up and off from this child, this day and every day to come, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
I bind to [baby’s name] the Lord Jesus Christ’s warrior angels and ministering angels of safety and protection to watch over this child.
I decree and call, by trusting faith, complete protection against all infirmities, against choking, drowning, burns, fractures, dislocations, illness, or injury of any kind, this day and every day to come, for Your Word says that we shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass (Job 22:28), all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
I call [baby’s name] safe and healthy and claimed for the Kingdom of God, all in Christ Jesus’ Name.
Correcting Children
We need to be careful when we correct our children. If we do not correct them out of love, but out of anger, it will become a major cause of self-rejection. And, if you constantly correct your child in this manner, it opens the way for the fruits of self -Rejection to come in. In Proverbs, the Lord tells us to,
Proverbs 22:6 ― Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
For all children, the way they should go is toward God.
Teaching children in the use of God’s Word is crucial for all children, who must understand who God is and how to best serve Him.
When Children Reject their Parents or Guardians
This pattern is “fighting rejection with rejection”.
The manifestations will vary according to the degree of rejection received, and the personality type of the individual.
You can read more about the way that demons come in through our genetic material and the way that our brain’s wiring precipitates manifestations here→
Aggressive Reactions to Rejection |
Rebellion – Anger – Temper |
Stubbornness-defiance |
Aggressive attitudes |
Argumentativeness – Fighting – Swearing – Bad language |
Rejection of others |
Hardness and harshness |
Refusing comfort |
Skepticism – Doubt – Unbelief |
Hopelessness – Despair |
Personal (Self-rejection Symptoms) |
Low self-image |
Inferiorities |
Inadequacy, Insecurity |
Sadness, Grief, Sorrow |
Self-condemnation |
Self-accusation |
Refusal to communicate |
Inability to communicate |
Fears of others’ opinions |
Fear of Failure |
Fear of Inadequacy |
Fear of Authority figures |
General fears |
Anxiety, Depression |
Unbelief, negativity |
Pessimism |
Fear of Rejection |
(Measures to counter the fear of rejection, and self-rejection) |
Performance-competition |
Striving, Achievement, Perfectionism |
Withdrawal, aloneness |
Independence, Isolation |
Self-protectiveness, Defensiveness |
Self-centredness, Selfishness |
Self-justification, Self-righteousness |
Envy, Jealousy, Criticism, Judgment, Ridicule |
Pride, Ego, Haughtiness, Arrogance, Pretention |
Petulance, Manipulatio, Possessiveness, |
Emotional Immaturity |
Rejection in your family
Father God declares in Ephesians that husbands are to sacrificially love and care for their own wives as if they were their own flesh, and wives are to be submissive and respectful towards their husbands. Where this is out of alignment, there is an Ahab spirit involved. Ahab spirits are inherited.
Ephesians 5:25-27 ― Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Ephesians 5:22-33 ― Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body, that it should be holy and without blemish.
The curse of the destruction of the family priesthood (which is centred in the father, usually the result of inherited family curses) paves the way for the spirit of rejection in a child.
Isaiah 3:12 ― As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
This leads to a withdrawal of the father from his role and position of authority and eventuates in a lack of love or interest in his wife and children.
Frustrated by his lack of leadership and her inability to respect him as a man, the woman (who herself may have inherited curses of dominance) begins to take over and direct the home by the Jezebel spirit.
This involves usurpation of authority; dominance and rebellion.
All of this is the ‘essence of witchcraft’
Witchcraft can be imbued through many spirit entities, of which Jezebel is just one. Jezebel controls the family through emotional blackmail and conditional love.
The children are caught up in the conflict of the parents and become its chief victim.
The offspring will end up with an inability to give or receive love and because of the confusion of the authority pattern in the home, they are set up for the spirits of schizophrenia (double-mindedness) and paranoia to gain a foothold.
The spirits in the mother will coerce the male child, forbidding him to assert his masculinity or to engage in activities which would develop him as a man. If he wants her approval and love he must submit to her domination and control, losing his self-respect.
If he disobeys and rebels, he loses her love and is tormented by guilt, and becomes subject to the tormenting of the following spirits:
1. Curse and spirits of rebellion against discipline on the child’s part
2. Curse and spirits of lying to escape punishment
3. Curse and spirits of guilt
4. Curse and spirits of distrust (resulting from guilt)
5. Curse and spirits involving lack of communication between parent and child
6. Curse and spirit of Rejection
Breaking, Cutting-off and Deliverance from the contributing Curses of Rejection
Many times rejection can be broken by following this progression.
Break or cut-off the following curses with the sword of the Spirit:
1. Curse and spirits of Rebellion against discipline on the child’s part
2. Curse and spirits of Lying to Escape Punishment
3. Curse and spirits of Guilt
4. Curse and spirits of Distrust (resulting from guilt)
5. Curse and spirits involving lack of communication between parent and child
6. Curse and spirit of Rejection
Have the person confess sin and renounce the spirits, then force the demonic spirits to leave by casting them out.
First, bind the spirit of rejection and his friend rebellion, as well as stubbornness. Ask the Lord to put a block or wedge between them so that they cannot mutually reinforce each other.
Then attack rejection by digging out the roots and shielding demons before confronting him.
He is much easier to remove after cutting away the “underbrush” of shielding demons, rather than mounting an offensive directly against him, while his forces are intact.
Rejection and rebellion are symbiotic; the more the child or adult is rejected, and, the more they feel rejected, the more they rebel.
A verse that will help the rejected is in Hebrews
Hebrews 12:2-3 ― Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Breaking Self-Rejection
Adam, through the consequences of his initial rejection of God in his disobedience experienced God’s rejection.
Genesis 3:24 ― So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
On the self-rejection branch of fruit, you will notice that I have headed the list with resentment.
Chapter 4 of Genesis is a very interesting chapter. It shows the first offering to the Lord; the foundation of counterfeit and redemption.
Verse 3 | |
So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground. | |
Verse 4 | |
And Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering;
| Abel pleased the Lord God |
Verse 5 | |
but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell. | This tells us that God had no respect or regard for Cain’s offering.
From this verse then, we see rejection by God. We see this rejection of Cain’s offering producing a sense or feeling of rejection in Cain, which in turn produces: Resentment Bitterness Hatred Anger Jealousy He was indignant He was sad and depressed.
Verse 6 | |
Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?” | Verse 6 shows us just how affected Cain was, as the Lord spoke to him to inquire as to why he was so angry, and why he showed sadness and dejection.
Verse 7 | |
“If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” | In verse 7, the Lord gave him a way out of his troubles…”if you do well, then you will be accepted”, He said.
How many times has the Lord said something similar to us?
And how many times do we close our hearing, not listening to what God is saying to us?
Verse 8 | |
And Cain told Abel his brother. And it came about when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. | Verse 8, shows us the results of not listening to God’s warning of sin hiding behind the door. Cain did not master sin. He did not heed God’s warning. He allowed the enemy to eat at his heart.
That resentment towards Abel grew into bitterness, then jealousy and envy.
Then the hatred set in and finally violence to carry out the act of murder.
These are all products or fruits of the rejection family.
A strong-willed or rebellious spirit
The child manifesting a strong-willed or rebellious spirit
Dealing with this type of manifestation starts with significant prayer by the parents and grandparents, both behind the scenes in their prayer time and with the child. Note: don’t forget your other children who aren’t squeaky wheels!
Ask for revelation from the Holy Spirit with regard to deliverance. If you need additional support or are concerned then contact us here→
Laying the foundation with prayer
Be targeted with your combined prayer. Be in unison and in agreement. Do not pray out of desperation and fatigue, willing the child to be obedient (as this is a manifestation of witchcraft control in a soulish prayer), but pray and declare faith statements with Holy Spirit revelation, for the child to “come into agreement and alignment with the Will of God.”
Intercede for the child based on a spiritual warfare strategy. You can read more about Spiritual Warfare here→
Understanding the manifestation
Let’s call the child John. We must understand that there is both the real person John and the demons manifesting with strong-will or rebellion.
Father God made us to reflect His
Understanding what motivates the child’s behaviour is key, as this is their desire for control. Understanding this will go a long way to helping him find God’s way. The inherent desire for control by John is allowing the demons to be both:
1. in residence in the real-estate of John’s body, mind, spirit and life; and
2. in allowance of or cooperation with the manifestation.
Examples of the demonic ministration and/or benefits to the real person John could include a physical sense of wellbeing, a sense of power, exhilaration, the physical release of endorphins through a temper tantrum, or self-satisfaction by being the centre of attention.
The child who is manifesting rebellious traits (or fruit) is one who must come to understand that he is not in charge of the world, God is, and that simply, he must do things God’s way. This requires parents to be absolutely convinced of this truth and to live accordingly. And take note – the parent who are themselves in rebellion against God will not be able to convince their child to be submissive!
These children are often ‘hyper-aware’ of inconsistency, hypocrisy and perverse or irrational rules, and may state that they are ‘not making sense’ or ‘stupid’. They will only willingly comply with rules or laws when they make sense to them. Give him a solid reason for a rule, constantly reiterating the truth that we do things the way God wants them done and that the fact is not negotiable. Explain that God has given parents the responsibility to love and discipline their children and that to fail to do so would mean the parents are disobeying Him. Whenever possible, however, give the child opportunities to help make decisions so that he does not feel completely powerless. For example, going to church is not negotiable because God commands us to gather together with other believers (Hebrews 10:25), but children can have a say (within reason) in what they wear, where the family sits, etc. Give them projects in which they can give input, like planning the family vacation.
Once it has been established that God is the only One making the rules, parents must establish in the child’s mind that they are God’s instruments and will do anything and everything necessary to carry out God’s plan for their families.
A child must be taught that God’s plan is for the parents to lead and the child to follow. There can be no weakness on this point. The “strong-willed” and “rebellious” demons in the child can spot indecisiveness from a mile away and will jump at the opportunity to fill the leadership vacuum and take control, inviting in more of their cohort.
The principle of submitting to authority is crucial for the child, and the earlier that the child can be taught and come to understand the better. If toddlers can recognise the golden arches of McDonalds – they can most certainly
Submitting to Father God in this respect is belief, faith and trust. The payoff for John has to be more rewarding than the demonic benefit. IF you as a parent sow enough opportunity for Father God to claim back all the real-estate that Satan had stolen – then John will have enough points of comparison in his life to keep choosing Father God and not Satan!
Discipline and self-discipline
Teaching your children good habits and giving them the comfort of routines which involve the “Lord Jesus” and are “of Father God” will add salt and light to their day. Simply stating things like “Thank you Lord Jesus” sound obvious, but need to be spelled out: they are the “testimonies of our lips”, containing the creative power of the spoken word, the future expectant faith of which will be manifest.
Romans 13:1-5 is clear in its assertion that the authorities over us are established by God, and we are to submit to them.
Further, parenting must be done with consistency and patience. Perhaps nowhere in life are the Christian fruits of the Spirit ‘patience’ and ‘self-control’ (Galatians 5:23) more needed than in the strong-willed/rebellious child.
Raised voices (as well as hands in anger / lost tempers) will give the demons in this type of child the sense of control they are pushing for, and they will quickly figure out how to control you by frustrating you to the point of making you react emotionally. Physical discipline often fails with these children because they enjoy pushing parents to the breaking point so much that they feel a little pain is a worthwhile price to pay. Parents of children exhibiting strong-willed rebellious manifestations, often report the children (or the demonic entities) laugh at them while they are being spanked.
Pushing your buttons?
This is something that parents need to be aware of. If your buttons are being pushed, ask the Holy Spirit what you need to deal with – and then do it. Demons work in symbiosis. There will be familiar demons that will be adding to the chaos and heartache and keeping the trauma going. In fact, your demonic oppression may well be keeping the demons in your child in place!
You are the adult in the situation. The only person that YOU can change is YOU. If things are getting the better of you, look inward through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Take responsibility for your own spiritual wholeness and holiness. Maintain your position as an edified Spirit-filled Priest and King and the sober reflection that such positions require.
Having said that, perhaps nowhere in the life of a parent do the words “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) have more meaning than with the strong-willed demonic infestation of their youngster. Parents of these children have to spend lots of their time on their knees before the Lord asking for wisdom, which He has promised to provide (James 1:5), and reminding Father God of His promise that we will not be tested beyond our ability to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Finally, there is comfort in the knowledge that strong-willed children who are trained well often grow up to be high-achieving, successful adults. Many children who have dealt with rebellious demons have turned into bold, committed Christians who use their considerable talents to serve the Lord they have come to love and respect through the efforts of their patient and diligent parents.
Self-Deliverance: children are never too young
Children can both pray for the loosing of blessings and for the binding and casting out of demons that their conscience or the voice of the Holy Spirit draws attention to. The more malleable and responsive they become to the blood of the Lord Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the more they can deal with the assaulting hoards of Satan.
Children can bind spirit lips shut in the name of Jesus Christ as well as adults, and scripturally we are told with greater effect. So teach them to fish, in all spiritual senses.
Conception and Pregnancy
This is where the Spirit-filled parent and grandparent has the ability through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ to have a profound effect on the spiritual baggage that a child has to deal with, thus shaping the trajectory of their lives.
Praying for the blood of Jesus Christ to surround and protect your children and grandchildren, before they are conceived, even before you know them, is a significant place to start.
But dealing with your own spiritual baggage is paramount. Cutting off all cursings, calling your genetic material into perfect alignment with Father God’s originally conceived image and will, and casting out the demonic interference in all aspects of your descendants’ line will move mountains!
It’s never too late to start.
Luke 1:39-42 – And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
This passage, describing the unborn John the Baptist recognising the Lord Jesus conceived in Mary identifies the manner in which the Holy Spirit – and conversely, demonic spirits – can impact the growing child.
The child has demonic material inherent in their genes prior to conception. Each parent contributes an allele which forms the genetic material for the child’s blood. The blood is oxygenated through the blood supply provided from the umbilical vein which connects to the placenta. The health of the placenta is now understood to have a profound effect on major noncommunicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which are being predisposed at this time (a phenomenon that is now being called “fetal programming” or “developmental origins of health and disease”).
Psychological roadmaps are also laid as emotional attachment is nurtured. It is worth noting that “attachment” is the prevailing issue which drives recognised personality issues such as Narcissism and Borderline Personality Disorder – which we know are actually manifesting demons.
Taking control of the situation with gentle yet nevertheless profound deliverance of your newborn is similarly wise.
Being cognisant of the situation between siblings, being attuned spiritually for any manifestation of spite or jealousy, and dealing with it in a compassionate yet nevertheless firm manner will cultivate love and affection.
Delegation of authority to children and responsibility for each other is also a situation to be mindful of, as the dynamics of federal headship can be severely disrupted.
Prayer, prayer and more prayer, in a consistent and inclusive manner, is the answer to a family that is prospering in the things of Father God.