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Person to Person, Private Deliverance by Appointment Only

Join us on ZOOM for Communion and Baptism on Sundays

To go to Oracle Full Gospel Church website click here

We are Pentecostal

An Acts 2 Church
The 1st Century Church
alive in the 21st Century

Sunday 3pm 

Join us with your family for Communion, Baptisms, Praise and Worship and Full Gospel Teaching and Preaching


Why deliverance ministry?

Because Lord Jesus led by example “…healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” — Acts 10:38

In Matthew 6:9-13 Lord Jesus provides us with a template for daily prayer. Verse 13 specifically says “but deliver us from evil”.

We are being told to engage daily in deliverance as part of our personal prayer. And, in Mark 16:15,17 “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils”, we are told that believers will cast out demons. Deliverance is a fundamental part of Christian ministry. Oracle Ministry offers help to individuals and families living in spiritual bondage and persecution, experiencing malevolent paranormal or supernatural events. We provide Bible-based, Christian Ministry to help you put Father God in control of your life and well being.

This is through both direct personal ministry and self-help tools. We provide this help Free of charge.

Healing and deliverance 

You know when you love somebody so much, that you want to take their pain and suffering from
Well, that’s how Lord Jesus feels about us.
Do you want to receive healing from emotional wounds, pain, sorrows, grief, and anguish?
Not some of them, but ALL of them?
God’s greatest desire is to take it all from you and restore your soul from all the damage that has been done to you…
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. — Psalms 23:3

Are you in pain and suffering?

God wants to take your wounds, hurts, pain and sorrow and lead you miraculously and supernaturally to health and well being. He wants you to lead you to a place of rest and restoration. Healing and deliverance ministry is a fundamental part of this process, and we are ready to help you.

In despair?

Are you carrying the burden of emotional and physical trauma?  Do you feel alone, depressed and unloved? Do you feel on a plunging, downward spiral and that nothing helps? You are not alone, we are here, with the still, small voice of Father God!

Read more here →

Out of control?

Do you feel something ‘just takes you over?’ Are your thoughts not your own?  Do you hear obscene malevolent angry voices? Do your thoughts drive compulsive and erratic behaviour?  Is a part of you is missing? Lord Jesus can restore your mind, help is here.

Read more here →


Are you helpless imprisoned and limited by your circumstances?  Are you addicted to drugs, pornography, gambling, food, chaos? Are you stuck in a cycle of poverty or lack? Do you feel cursed? Restoration and freedom is the promise of Jesus Christ, we can help.

Read more here →

Can a Christian have a Demon?

Yes! Christians, any Christian, can have more than one demon.

The early church knew it, and after preaching the gospel and having people converted, they would pray for their healing and they would cast demons out of them.  By doing this we appropriate our freedom in Jesus Christ and we are able to have an even closer relationship with Father God,and be of more use to Him. Today, many Christians are taught that they can not have demons, or even that Satan doesn’t exist, but that is not what the Bible says!

Witchcraft and the Occult

Approximately 22,000 people in Australia have Pagan belief systems or profess to be practicing Witchcraft or Wicca. (ABS – 2016 Census)


We no longer ‘trial by ducking’ or burn Witches at the stake. In fact Witchcraft, Wicca, Vampires and even lucifer or Satan, have been depicted in today’s media as glamorous, protective and supremely powerful. But, Satan is a cruel master, he demands subtraction (including your physical and spiritual death) for each of his ‘Gifts’,  ‘additions’ and demonic ministrations. Satan will ultimately destroy you, and your family. If you or a loved one are in over your head,  we can help    

Read more here →


Worshipping Lucifer including Eastern mysticism, Yoga, healing philosophies, acupuncture, Reiki, Freemasonry, Ordo Templi Orientis and Scientology, Neo-Paganism,  Gia worship, Goddess rituals and agreeing that… Man, made climate change, Feminism, Positive thinking ‘Unleashing the Giant within’, all focus on Humanism and worship of self as god. Father God doesn’t ask you to be elevated, to have eternal life — He wants to make you perfect in His sight.

Read more here →

Satanic Ritual Abuse

Although complex traumatic abuse (including organised and institutional abuse) does not always have a ‘religious’ context,  the trauma resulting from Satanic rites, rituals, and sacrifices tragically leaves the survivors with distrust of the only antidote, Father God and the redeeming Blood of Jesus Christ. If you are looking for Christian Ministry with the experience to deal with DID/MPD, the effects of cursing or mind control, then contact us directly.

Read more here →


Some of the lives that have been restored from heartbreak to tremendous victory in Christ Jesus. Thank you, Father God – Amen!

Over the last couple of years, we have had Pastor Maurice minister at our church, preaching a powerful word of healing over the people. Also, we have conducted additional ministry on the Saturday preceding to allow more time for gifting of his deliverance ministry. He brings great joy and peace to all those who reach out and mighty deliverance and healing has occurred.

Peter Pritchard

Pastor, Gateway Church, Kangeroo Flats, Victoria

Today as of 5th January 2018, I am no longer in the Mental Health System [and I am] being discharged from compulsory and supervised medication. I have got my life back and under control. I know that I am not completely healed as I still have some PTSD episodes as my mind and body continue to heal, but I know for a fact that Jesus Christ was the one who healed and set me free. All praise and thanks to Almighty God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and thank you, Pastor Maurice. Read Jame’s full story here →

James Randall

Personal Testimony

Anyway, the miraculous thing is I was in the shower, feeling discouraged, but did thank Jesus for the reprieve during my birthday celebrations. I asked what now??? Immediately the statement you made to me in a recent email came to mind about telling the Devil to flee, and that he would. It suddenly became clear to me that I had been feeling afraid, vulnerable and victimized and that I needed to get some confidence. “I have given you power and authority to cast out demons in my name” came into my mind and I said with strength and authority for them to leave now and never come back in Jesus’ name and felt immediate relief. All the heaviness left my body and mind JUST LIKE THAT! Wow!


Personal Testimony , April 28, 2017

I would like to recommend Maurice and Laurette as faithful and sincere ministers with no pride or puffing themselves up, but in humility and gentleness. I have had them minister for me, counsel with people I have sent to them with good results. They both are a great blessing to the body of Christ.

Ivan and Yvonne Pyers

Pastor, Door of Faith, Church Somerville, Victoria

I’m 56 years old. I have lived with chronic depression for over twenty-five years, going in and out of depression on a yearly bases and lasting anywhere from three to twelve months at a time. Now that I have been delivered, I can now see what was going on that I could never see before. I was that bound up by the enemy and his lies it was blocking me for seeing and receiving the fullness of the finished work of what Jesus has already achieved on the cross. I would highly recommend to anyone who has struggles in any areas of their lives to consider Oracle deliverance and healing ministry. I would like to thank Pastor Maurice and Laurette for the love and compassion they showed us and their dedication to setting people free, all in the power of the finished work of Jesus Christ. Read Charle’s full story here → 

Charles Quagliata

Personal Testimony, June 2017

Thank you for the time you gave me yesterday Maurice, I really appreciate the insights you gave me, it was a tremendous help and comfort…Wow! Talk about taking authority! I prayed to the Lord from my bed giving so much praise and thanks. I am still blown away by this experience now. He is with me always 100%!! Always and all ways. I know it, I feel him. Pretty good eh ?? Thanks again and God bless you and the work you do Maurice. Read David’s full story here →


Personal Testimony, September 4, 2015

 Read Nomi’s full story here →

Nomi Catalano

Personal Testimony, October 21, 2017

We are currently meeting on zoom

Oracle Ministry

16-18 Martin Street
Thornbury VIC 3071

Private Ministry Bookings

By Appointment Only

Personal 1 to 1 deliverance and home visitation by appointment is still provided under the Work Permit conditions of providing Crisis Counselling.

Oracle Ministry is easy to get to by car, tram or train,  as we are only  8km from Melbourne’s CBD.

Travelling by Car

Head North out of the Melbourne CBD, by taking Hoddle St (Richmond) into High St. Continue along High Street, you will come to traffic lights at a ‘T’ intersection with Darebin Road. Continue through the intersection on High Street, and you will find Martin Street is the on the next street on the right-hand side. Please be mindful of the Parking signs, as non-residential have a 2-hour limit. If you are attending a private Deliverance Ministry session, you may choose to take public transport rather than having to move your car. Parking information car be found here→

Travelling by Tram

Tram 86 to Bundoora from anywhere on Bourke Street or Docklands in Melbourne  CBD Stop 37 – Woolton Ave/High St.

Travelling by Train

Take the South Morang Line from any train station located in the city Alight at the Croxton Station, immediately after Northcote Station.

Sunday Communion

2PM 21st June 2020

Friday Group Deliverance

7.30PM 19th June 2020

No Friday Night Zoom Meetings until further notice. Friday night meetings at Thornbury will return when Lockdowns are over.

Oracle Full Gospel Church

Welcome to our Church

1st  Century Church in the 21st Century — Just as Lord Jesus Christ is Alive, so Is His Spirit-Filled Church! Father God designed the Church to be a coming together for fellowship, where His Word is proclaimed and explained. Where there are signs following, of healings and miracles.
This happens in our Church.
We welcome you to come and be blessed – see you there!

Through the steadfast love of Lord Jesus Christ, Father God is present in our meetings, through the Holy Spirit. We earnestly thank and Praise Him for His Holiness and abundant Blessing. Through the witnessing of His Majesty and Power in our lives and first hand in our meetings, as Spirit-Filled Christians, we know who we are, and we know whom we have believed. We understand our Authority and Power in Lord Jesus Christ. Standing in the Authority and Blessing that being a Spirit-Filled Christian means understanding that you are a “Child of the Living God” and “Co-heirs with Christ”. It means appropriating, reclaiming, or taking back by force the physical real-estate of your life, your body, and mind from Satan. This happens by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. It is not ’emotional’, it is Spiritual. Jesus Christ’s name is the Authority. The Holy Spirit is the Power. This is being saved here, today on earth — and it is All to Your Glory Father God!

Every Sunday  2pm 


We are Pentecostal

The 1st Century Church

alive in the 21st Century.


Go to Oracle Full Gospel Church website here 


Oracle Ministry

Oracle Ministry uses the Thornbury Community Church   16-18 Martin St, Thornbury VIC 3071


Stop 37 – Woolton Ave/High St.


Croxton Station

Under spiritual attack? Need help now?

This Intercession has been recorder for people  looking for IMMEDIATE Spiritual Relief from demonic attack.     

Listen to, and Stand in Agreement with this prayer.

His Word will not return to Him void or empty. Father God says that He will perform His Word. Amen!

Contact Pastor Maurice  here →

Contact Us through Facebook  here →

You can find more payers here →

Many times, a spiritual attack will occur through unbelievers with whom we work or associate with, and occasionally, even from believers. When we find ourselves in a Spiritual Battle that we didn’t expect, it is often helpful to have someone standing with us.  Oracle Ministry prayer team is here to help
Listen to, and Stand in Agreement with this prayer. 
His Word will not return to Him void or empty. Father God says that He will perform His Word. Amen!

 You can find more payers here →

Contact us

Please ensure that you have completed and emailed or posted the Spiritual Profile to us prior to requesting Private Deliverance

Contact options that you may select

Please ensure that you have completed and emailed or posted the Spiritual Profile to us prior to requesting a Private Deliverance.

10 + 13 =

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